"Mo Miles" Goes in for a "Second Opinion"
This is the story of a hybrid car, purchased in October 2003. Narrated by a once hyper-evangelistic owner who purchased special license plates reading "Mo Miles," this blog covers the owner's meandering drive from pre-purchase to post-purchase and carefully examines the gap between advertising promise and actual results. Author remains devoted to advancements and adoption of hybrid-technology, but is equally commited to educating buyers about the "complete story," especially around mileage.
I'm still in a state of shock about the CBS Evening News Coverage about my hybrid car experience. And yes, there's real ambivalence, since I'm such a passionate believer in hybrid-technology. How on earth do these things happen? For starters, dissatisfaction is "viral" in this age of web "transparency," and how companies manage customer relationships in times of trial can have a huge impact. Even little things can set the wrong impression and get things off to a bad start. Note how Honda doesn't even allow e-mail feedback on its own website, a major point of frustration for me when trying to initially articulate my mileage concern. Didn't help matters that I could only call customer service during the work-hours, which, like the absense of e-mail, seemed out of touch with today's consumer behavior -- this from a company that spends millions promoting a progressive, "in-touch" image to consumers with cars like the Element . As for the local dealers, they have been cooperative yet powerless, and I just sense there isn't a coordinated CRM strategy other than an ad-hoc "let me send this up the chain" approach. Ultimately, with input from my dealer, I shot a note to both Honda's VP of Sales and CEO of the Advertising Agency. For whatever reason, it took nearly a month to hear from anyone, but the gentleman who ultimately called (from the "Executive Office") was cordial, friendly, and empathetic...albeit not terribly conclusive. After several conversations, we decided it made sense for me to get a second opinion on my car -- this to see if my car is "abnormal." And so I'm dropping off my car on June 13 to Century Honda for yet another diagnostic. Fingers crossed.
One thing is certain. This "runaway" blog is getting way more mileage than my hybrid car, evident in the recent CBS News Coverage about the hybrid mileage issue. Which prompts me to once again issue a strong disclaimer. I'm a passionate believer in hybrid technology -- always have, and always will be. I simply have strong issues with how the misleading, innacurate EPA estimates are being positioned with consumers. Nothing will kill the hybrid movement faster, or impede the ability of forward-looking hybrid manufacturers to recoup their investment in this important technology, than consumer cynicism born of mismanaged expectations. Reforming EPA mileage estimates is paramount, but sellers need to take critical steps as well. (More on that part in my next blog entry.)