NPR Strips More Bark off Issue (+ Call to Action Re: EPA)
Another round of thanks for all the great comments from everyone out there. We're building a real community around this issue. On Friday, NPR ran an outstanding story about the problem with the current EPA guidelines around hybrid cars. NPR's Michele Norris spoke with Csaba Csere, editor-in-chief of Car and Driver Magazine. A couple key points. One, the mileage problem out there is real, with hybrids cars being "25% over-rated" relative to what's officially advertised. Two, the antiquated EPA guidelines are a BIG part of the problem, and even preventing auto OEMs telling consumers that the car ACTUALLY gets less mileage than advertised. The good news is that EPA is NOW collecting comments on its gas mileage estimates from the auto industry and the public. The comment window ends in July, so if you care about this issue, PLEASE send your feedback.
Thanks for feedback. In all candor, I drive like any other driver. After over 10K miles, I get exactly 32 miles per gallon. As I've said many times, I'm far from giving up on hybrid cars. I just have issues with how expectations are set on the advertising front. If in fact my hybrid has real issues (which so many believe) they should just fix it, so I can sing the full praise of my Civic Hybrid like you.
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